Remote Learning
While you are studying from home, work on any of the
reading, writing, listening, and speaking activities below.
reading, writing, listening, and speaking activities below.
Choose one activity from the below options to do each day to gain practice in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Do a different activity each day for 30 minutes. READINGGRADES K-2:
GRADES 3-12:
1. Create a Google Doc titled: My Daily Journal -or- make your own book using Book Creator, go to this link: and login with your student email. 2. Share it with Ms. Nemer: [email protected] 3. Check this website for a new journal question each day. 4. Answer the prompt with what you think and how you feel. Each response should be a paragraph of about 3-5 sentences and you can add pictures, links, or videos. Update your Google Doc or Book with your response each day. Happy Writing! Week #1 March 17, 2020 - What do you think about what is going on right now with the crisis we are in? March 18, 2020 - How are you doing so far this week? March 19, 2020 - What have you been doing each day? March 20, 2020 - What is something you miss from being at school? Week #2 March 23, 2020 - How was your first weekend staying home? March 24, 2020 - What is something you are learning through all of this? March 25, 2020 - What do you appreciate most right now? March 26, 2020 - What is something you have enjoyed doing with your family at home? March 27, 2020 - How have you connected with others outside of your house? Week #3 March 30, 2020 - What is something creative you have done since being quarantined? March 31, 2020 - What is something positive you have experienced from this time? April 1, 2020 - Things keep changing, what is something that has changed for the better? April 2, 2020 - What is your favorite part of remote learning? April 3, 2020 - This pandemic is a historical time that will make a great impact on our future. There could be detrimental consequences or even positive outcomes that result from this. There have been other periods of time that changed the way people lived, such as the Renaissance and Industrial Revolution. If you were to give this time period that we are living in now a title, what would you call it? Week #4 April 13, 2020 - How was your "spring break," what did you do? April 14, 2020 - Have you been affected by the storms? Some homes have lost power. What is it like when you don't have electricity or hot water? April 15, 2020 - How has your week been going with getting back to remote learning? April 16, 2020 - What is something that you really want right now? April 17, 2020 - Take a look at the picture below. What do you think it means? Week #5 April 20, 2020 - What is something you have done to help others? April 21, 2020 - What is something kind that someone did for you? April 22, 2020- What are your thoughts after receiving the update from Governor DeWine that schools will remain closed for the rest of the academic year? April 23, 2020 - Today is the start of Ramadan, when people of the Islamic faith, fast from eating food during sunlight and spend time together in prayer and peaceful reflection for one month. Christians do the same thing during Lent and they give up something for forty days. Why do you think we make these sacrifices? April 24, 2020 - What is your favorite holiday and why? Week #6 April 27, 2020 - "What weaknesses and strengths about our world are being exposed by this pandemic?" This question was taken from the NY Times, visit this site to see other student responses: April 28, 2020 - Our governor informed us yesterday that effective on May 1, 2020, everyone must wear a mask when phase one openings begin to start. He said, "No mask, no work, no service, no exception." Large events have also already been canceled through September, such as the Akron Marathon. This will be part of our new normal and gatherings will still be limited to 10 people or less. It is also unclear when schools will reopen. It will be a while before we can all be together and not have to worry about the coronavirus. What do you think about all of this? April 29, 2020 - What do you miss most about your life before the pandemic? April 30, 2020 - What have been your favorite things to do during the pandemic? May 1, 2020 - What are your hopes for this last month of school? Week #7 May 4, 2020 - Today marks the 50th anniversary of the Kent State Massacre when four college students were killed for protesting against the Vietnam War. We are also reading about Malala Yousafzai and her story of growing up in a country where girls were not allowed to go to school and she was shot on her way from school. Why is education important to you and what is something you could do to show your appreciation for learning? May 5, 2020 - Today is Cinco de Mayo, which is a Mexican holiday celebrating the victory at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. This is a festive day when people in Mexico and America have a fiesta and eat Mexican food. What is your favorite food to eat from your country? May 6, 2020 - Yesterday was "Giving Tuesday," which is a day when people across the world donate to an organization or they volunteer their time to serve others. What is an important cause to you and how can you support it? May 7, 2020 - This week has been Teacher Appreciation Week. Who was an inspiring teacher to you and why? May 8, 2020 - Sunday is Mother's Day, what is something special that you love about your mom? Happy Mother's Day to her! Week #8 May 11, 2020 - I hope you had a nice weekend! What did you do to honor your mom for Mother's Day? May 12, 2020 - From the NY Times, "What's the best book you ever read for school?" See other student responses here: May 13, 2020 - We have experienced great leaders that have carried us through this time and set precedence for other leaders to follow suit; for example, Governor DeWine and Dr. Acton leaders of the State of Ohio. "What makes a great leader?" Check out other student responses from the NY Times: May 14, 2020 - What is a hobby you enjoy doing? May 15, 2020 - Today is "International Day of Families." What are some family traditions that you enjoy doing together? Week #9 May 18, 2020 - This is the last week of instruction. After ending the school year by learning from home, what do you think overall about remote learning? What do you think works and what didn't work so well? What would your ideal version of school be like? May 19, 2020 - What are your strengths and what makes you special? May 20, 2020 - We have read about the concept of the "American Dream." What does the "American Dream" mean to you, especially now with everything going on with the coronavirus and its effect on the world? Here are student responses from the NY Times regarding, "The American Dream, Mindfulness in Schools and How to Define 'Family': May 21, 2020 - What is your dream job? If you could do anything you wanted and money didn't matter, what would you choose to do for a living? Watch this video for inspiration: May 22, 2020 - Today is the last day of school. What are some final thoughts you have and what are your plans for this summer? I hope you have a fun and safe summer! Looking forward to next year with you! For ESL assignments and additional English practice, please visit the Google Classroom for your grade level. Each student has been added to to the appropriate classroom based on their grade. Contact Ms. Nemer if you have any questions by emailing her at: [email protected]